Laptop Docking Station vs. USB Hub

January 10, 2022

As computer peripherals become increasingly advanced, it can be hard to keep up with the latest technology. Two pieces of equipment that are especially useful for laptops are docking stations and USB hubs. Both come with their benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to know what you're getting yourself into before making a purchase.

What is a Laptop Docking Station?

A laptop docking station is a device that allows you to connect a variety of external peripherals to your laptop. It usually includes multiple USB ports, HDMI ports, ethernet ports, and sometimes even VGA and DVI ports. The station connects to your laptop via a single USB-C or Thunderbolt port and can act as a central hub for all of your external devices.

What is a USB Hub?

A USB hub is a much simpler device than a docking station. It typically features a few USB ports that allow you to connect multiple accessories to your computer. Although some hubs offer a variety of extra ports (such as HDMI, VGA, or ethernet), most USB hubs are designed to only provide additional USB connections.

Comparing Laptop Docking Stations and USB Hubs

Now that we know more about each device, let's compare the two to see which is the better option:


Docking stations offer unparalleled functionality. They not only offer multiple USB ports but also connect to a variety of external displays, ethernet cords, and other accessories that allow you to connect your laptop to an external mouse, keyboard and monitor. On the other hand, USB hubs are more limited with just a few USB connections available.


As you might expect, laptop docking stations are more expensive than USB hubs. This makes sense as a laptop docking station is a more complex piece of equipment, with more ports and functionality. On the other hand, USB hubs are affordable and can be bought for as little as $10 USD (Yay, bargains!).


If you're looking for portability or traveling with your laptop, a hub is usually the better choice due to the small size and portability. Docking stations are usually larger and more cumbersome than USB hubs, making it difficult or even impossible to carry around.

User Experience

Docking stations typically offer a better user experience than USB hubs. With a docking station, you can simply plug in your laptop and all of your external devices are ready to go. USB hubs can sometimes require you to install drivers or configure settings before they work properly. Even if your laptop is equipped with a USB-C port, you may need to adjust settings for it to work well with the docking station.

Final Verdict

Both laptop docking stations and USB hubs have their pros and cons. If you're looking for lots of ports, external displays, and a plug-and-play experience, a docking station is the obvious choice. If you just need a few extra USB ports and don't want to spend a lot of money, get yourself a USB hub.


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